Monday, 30 August 2010

Full Text of GO. Rt. No 973 issued by Government of Andhrapradesh to levy user charges for Garbage Collection in Vijayawada City



Municipal Administration and Urban Development Department - Vijayawada Municipal Corporation, Vijayawada – Cancellation of Council Resolution No.134, dated 6.8.2009 –Orders – Issued.

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G.O.Rt.No. 973 ,                                              Dated:21.08.2010.

                                                                       Read the following

1) From the Commissioner, Municipal Corporation,
Vijayawada, Letter No.F1-163019/2008, dated 17.09.2009.

2) Government Memo No.15787/K2/2009-1, Municipal Administration
and  Urban Development Department, dated 23.01.2010.

3) From the Mayor, Vijayawada Municipal Corporation, Vijayawada,
Letter No.17/2010, dated 15.02.2010.

4) Government Memo.No.15787/K2/2009-2, Municipal Administration
and Urban Development Department, dated 6.5.2010.

5) From the Mayor, Vijayawada Municipal Corporation, Vijayawada,
Letter No.48/2010, dated 15.05.2010.

6) Government Memo.No.15787/K2/2009-3, Municipal Administration
 and Urban Development Department, dated 14.6.2010.

7) From the Mayor, Vijayawada Municipal Corporation, Vijayawada,
 Letter No.48/2010, dated 25.06.2010.


O R D E R:-

Whereas, in the letter 1st read above, the Commissioner,
Vijayawada Municipal Corporation, Vijayawada has
reported that Vijayawada Municipal Corporation is spending
huge amounts for Solid Waste Management in the City. The
recovery of the Operation &Maintenance charges is
very low at one third of the total expenditure. The Vijayawada
Municipal Corporation is already facing many financial constraints
in meeting various requirements and also committed to reforms
under JNNURM for 100% recovery of O&M expenditure
for various services provided by the Vijayawada Municipal
Corporation. The Municipal Council had also earlier accepted
for JNNURM project including reforms;
2. And whereas, the Commissioner, Vijayawada Municipal
Corporation, Vijayawada has further reported that an office
proposal was placed before the Municipal Council, with
estimated service / user charges of Rs.8.12 Cr per Annum.
The Vijayawada Municipal Council vide CR.No.134,
dated 06.08.2009 had rejected the proposal resolving that
the Vijayawada Municipal Corporation is already collecting
various taxes from the citizens. Such action of the council
rejecting the office proposals involving financial matter will
not only worsen the financial situation but also leave a message
 that no service charges will be levied for any service of
Vijayawada Municipal Corporation and is contrary to the
spirit of reforms undertaken by the Vijayawada Municipal
3. And whereas, the Commissioner, Vijayawada Municipal
Corporation, Vijayawada has finally requested the Government
to cancel the Council Resolution No.134, dated 06.08.2009
by invoking provisions under section 679-A of HMC Act 1955
so that user charges can be levied for Municipal Solid Waste
Management in the best interest of Vijayawada Municipal
4. And whereas, Government consider that it is appropriate
to cancel the Council Resolution No.134, dated 06.08.2009
of Vijayawada Municipal Corporation under sub-section
(1) of Section 679-A (1) of Greater Hyderabad Municipal
Corporation Act, 1955 (AP Act II of 1956), read with 
 section 7 of the Vijayawada Municipal Corporation Act,
1981 (AP Act 23/1981) as it is contrary to the spirit of reforms
undertaken by the Vijayawada Municipal Corporation and also
causes financial loss to the Corporation;
5. And whereas, in the letters 2nd, 4th and 6th cited, show
cause notices have been issued to the Mayor, Vijayawada
Municipal Corporation to explain within 15 days from the date
of receipt of this notice as to why its Council Resolution No.134,
dated 06.08.2009 should not be cancelled, as it is contrary
to the spirit of reforms undertaken by the Vijayawada Municipal
Corporation and also causes financial loss to the Corporation;

6. And whereas, in the letter 7th read above, the Mayor, Vijayawada
 Municipal Corporation has reported that at present Under Ground
Drainage works taken up under Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban
Renewal Mission are in rapid progress covering more than 70% of
the Vijayawada Municipal Corporation area. Due to the same, the
citizens of Vijayawada are facing inconvenience in Transportation
and attending other daily routine affairs. All Under Ground Drainage
works will be finished by December, 2010 as revealed during review
meetings conducted with Vijayawada Municipal Corporation officers.
Most of the Corporators are of the opinion that the proposed levy of
user charges under Solid Waste Management may be taken up
only after total completion of the Under Ground Drainage works.
The citizens of Vijayawada City are also expressing the same opinion
 that it will be apt only to levy such user charges after completion
of the Under Ground Drainage and providing other amenities. Further,
 it is felt that the tariff proposed by the Commissioner, also needs a
re-look into the suggested slabs so as to provide relief to the poorer 
 and unaffordable sections of the population of Vijayawada city.
Therefore, they have decided to levy and collect the user charges
of Solid Waste Management from December, 2010 onwards before
the next council meeting and requested the Government to
re-examine the issue and cancel the said showcause notice to
enable the Council of Vijayawada Municipal Corporation to consider
and approval of user charges on its own;

7. And whereas, Government after careful consideration of the
matter decided to cancel  the above council resolution;

8. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred under
sub-section (1) of Section 679-A(1) of Greater Hyderabad
Municipal Corporations Act, 1955 (AP Act II of 1956), read
with section 7 of the Vijayawada Municipal Corporation Act,
1981 (AP Act 23/1981), the Government hereby cancel the
Council Resolution No.134, dated 06.08.2009 of Vijayawada
Municipal Corporation;

9. The Commissioner, Vijayawada Municipal Corporation shall
take further necessary action to collect the proposed amount as
additional fee on account of Solid Waste Management.


                                                    T.S.APPA RAO,



The Mayor,

Vijayawada Municipal Corporation,


The Commissioner, Vijayawada Municipal Corporation, Vijayawada.

Copy to:

The Special Secretary to CM.

The Private Secretary to M(MA&UD).

The Private Secretary to Principal Secretary to Govt., (UD), MA&UD Department.

The Private Secretary to Principal Secretary to Govt., (MA), MA&UD Department.

Law (A) Department.


                                                           //FORWARDED::BY ORDER//

                                                              SECTION OFFICER

1 comment:

  1. Dear sambireddy garu
    i have joined in tax payers association and we have got new house tax bill in that they are levying user charger for waste material maintenance what shall we have to do to cancel such taxes .i am resident of Ayodhyanagar ,sai durga towers,chintachetla bazar,i am present secretary for my apartment.
    i sincerely appreciate your concern towards citizens of vja.
    wish you all the best
